class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Graphical representation of causal effects ## What If: Chapter 6 ### Elena Dudukina ### 2021-01-11 --- # Draw your assumptions before your conclusions - Causal diagrams - Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) ![:scale 30%](Screenshot 2021-01-06 at 13.07.36.png) --- # DAGs .pull-left[ ![:scale 60%](Screenshot 2021-01-06 at 13.13.05.png) ] .pull-right[ ![:scale 60%](Screenshot 2021-01-06 at 13.14.17.png) ] .footnote[Arah, O. A. 2008. “The Role of Causal Reasoning in Understanding Simpson’s Paradox, Lord’s Paradox, and the Suppression Effect: Covariate Selection in the Analysis of Observational Studies.” Emerg Themes Epidemiol 5 (February): 5.] --- # DAGs ![:scale 30%](Screenshot 2021-01-06 at 13.14.29.png) .footnote[Arah, O. A. 2008. “The Role of Causal Reasoning in Understanding Simpson’s Paradox, Lord’s Paradox, and the Suppression Effect: Covariate Selection in the Analysis of Observational Studies.” Emerg Themes Epidemiol 5 (February): 5.] --- # When we observe a statistical association between two variables 1) Two variables are a cause and the consequence ![:scale 30%](Screenshot 2021-01-06 at 13.36.06.png) -- 2) Two variables have a common cause (a confounder) - A and Y are associated even though A does not cause Y - Example: L - smoking, A - carrying a lighter, Y - lung cancer ![:scale 30%](Screenshot 2021-01-06 at 13.34.51.png) --- # When we observe a statistical association between two variables 3) Two variables share a common consequence or a child of a common consequence, which was conditioned on - E and D are associated even though E does not cause D (or vice versa) ![:scale 50%](Screenshot 2021-01-06 at 13.41.23.png) ![:scale 50%](Screenshot 2021-01-06 at 13.44.15.png) .footnote[Hernán, Miguel A., Sonia Hernández-Díaz, and James M. Robins. 2004. “A Structural Approach to Selection Bias.” Epidemiology 15 (5): 615–25] --- # Associatioin vs Causation - "Association, unlike causation, is a symmetric relationship between two variables; thus, when present, association flows between two variables regardless of the direction of the causal arrows" -- - Association is **not** causation --- # Marginal vs conditional probabilities - Conditional - The probability that an event Y occurs, given we know some other event A has occurred, is the conditional probability of Y given A - `\(Pr(Y|A)\)` - Marginal(unconditional) - `\(Pr(Y)\)` - Remembering standardization/adjustment formula - `\(Pr(Y^a)=\Sigma_lPr(Y=1|A=a, L=l)*Pr(L=l)\)` - Probability of PO `\(Y^a\)` marginal over confounder `\(L\)` .footnote[Causal Inference in Statistics: A Primer. Judea Pearl, Madelyn Glymour, Nicholas P. Jewell] --- ![:scale 30%](Screenshot 2021-01-11 at 19.59.20.png) - `\(A \perp\perp Y|B\)` - `\(A \not\perp\not\perp Y\)` --- # Conditioning - `\(A \perp\perp Y|L\)` ![:scale 20%](Screenshot 2021-01-11 at 20.05.44.png) - `\(A \not\perp\not\perp Y|L\)` ![:scale 20%](Screenshot 2021-01-11 at 20.08.05.png) ![:scale 20%](Screenshot 2021-01-11 at 20.16.05.png) --- # Biasing path **For the association between A and Y** - A --> [L] <--Y ![:scale 30%](Screenshot 2021-01-11 at 20.14.42.png) ![:scale 30%](Screenshot 2021-01-11 at 20.16.49.png) --- # Backdoor path - A <-- L --> Y ![:scale 30%](Screenshot 2021-01-11 at 20.18.04.png) --- # Exchangeability, positivity, consistency ## inference is never assumption-free --- # Systematic bias - Infinite sample size won't help eliminating systematic bias - The magnitude of the effect is off - Structural definition of bias * Common causes --> **confounding** ![:scale 20%](Screenshot 2021-01-06 at 13.34.51.png) * Conditioning on common effects --> **selection bias (collider stratification bias)** ![:scale 15%](Screenshot 2021-01-11 at 20.08.05.png) ![:scale 20%](Screenshot 2021-01-11 at 20.16.05.png) * Information (measurement) error --> later in the book --- # Effect modification structure - Causal vs surrogate efect modifiers .pull-left[![:scale 60%](Screenshot 2021-01-11 at 20.38.11.png) ![:scale 60%](Screenshot 2021-01-11 at 20.44.48.png)] .pull-right[![:scale 40%](Screenshot 2021-01-11 at 20.46.29.png) ![:scale 40%](Screenshot 2021-01-11 at 20.47.02.png) ![:scale 40%](Screenshot 2021-01-11 at 20.48.25.png)] - Structure of the association of the effect modifier with the outcome matters --- ## Interaction in DAGs - Augmented DAGs <blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Right. Personally, I’ve found it useful to augment the DAG for heterogeneity as in these from my SER 2015 conference presentation: <a href=""></a></p>— Onyi Arah🎄waiting for vaccine🌍 MD, DSc, PhD (@oacarah) <a href="">September 5, 2019</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>